July 20, 2009

Freedom & Vacation

Many of you know that Jana and I are preparing for our trip to Canada tomorrow. Although it appears that the weather will be much cooler than we had originally hoped, it will be nice to spend some much needed time together as a family in a place as relaxing as Kenora, ON. Even though this will be my last post for at least a week and a half, stay tuned in as the discussion is just getting started!

As the debate over health care reform continues in Washington, I am more concerned than ever that our freedom is rapidly disappearing before my eyes. With this in mind, I want to leave you with a quote from former President Ronald Reagan:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free."

How do you think this quote applies to the current issues that our nation is facing: Health care reform, the fairness doctrine, cap & trade, education, taxes, etc...?

I am looking forward to reading your thoughts, and re-engaging in the discussion after our vacation.


  1. That's an excellent quote. I Googled a bit but didn't find when he said it or in what context, but I agree with the idea - definitely.

    Politically I think we probably see things differently, but I think there is a serious need for Christians to be able to discuss their views in a God-honoring way. Thanks for starting the discussion.

    I wrote a post in 2008 about our experiences with socialized healthcare in France.


    In the last paragraph I answered the question "Are you in favor of a socialized healthcare system?" Thought you might be interested.

  2. I see things differently than a lot of my friends. I actually agree with many of the intentions of the left, but strongly disagree with the manner in which they attempt to accomplish their goals.

    Thanks for sharing...I will most definately check out your question.

    Also, this quote is from early in Reagan's political career before he was elected to office. 3/30/1961

  3. So... aren't you back from vacation? ;)
