March 23, 2010

Well Said Then, Worth Saying Again

I'm simply overwhelmed with our current national situation in light of the passage of ObamaCare. In the wake of such destruction, I'm left with so many questions: How did we get here? What can we do now to fight back against those who would like to destroy our liberty? What effect will this mandate have on my family? How do you stop an out of control government that will legislate against the will of the people?

In light of these questions and others, I am encouraged when I think about what the founders of this great country overcame as they contemplated a revolution. They had a vision of a free society that would be committed to protect our God given personal liberties. They understood that the government should be both small and limited. In spite of overwhelming odds against them, they were willing to give up everything in the name of freedom. Are we?

I have included a link to my father's blog where you can read the words of a great man, Patrick Henry. His words were applicable when they were originally spoken and equally as necessary today. How grievous it is that this great nation overcame one tyranny only to replace it with another tyrannical government 200 years later. Progress? I don't think so?

Fast Forward

It's been a little over 8 months since I had the discipline to sit down and ramble a bit on this pathetic excuse of a blog. For the one or two of you who occasionally drift over here in a weak moment of boredom, I'm sorry for not staying the course these past months. But now, currently gainfully unemployed, I find myself once again drawn back to the blank page of the Internet. So in an attempt to bring us up to date during the past 9 months:

1. We had our second child, a boy, Charles Asher Crisp on 9/3/09
2. We hosted our family for thanksgiving. My uncle was diagnosed with a brain tumor the day before.
3. Long road trip to NC for Christmas. Never again!
4. New year, new opportunities.
5. Grandma Jan is declared Cancer free!
6. Scott Brown is elected to the Senate from the left leaning state of Mass.
7. Heath care debate beings heating up throughout the country.
8. Uncle has brain tumor removed. Good prognosis.
9. Begin thinking about quitting my job. Overwhelmed with the lack of General Aviation commerce.
10. Quit my job. Trusting the Lord for next steps.
11. Vacation to KS, exploring new opportunities.

There you go, that's where we've been and what we've done. For a more detailed look at the past few months, please feel free to visit

So, perhaps this time will be different? Perhaps, this time I will stay committed? Who knows, but at least I have wiped the slate clean. My guilt is gone. For now.